12:46 And, yes, folks-- he wore a blue tie.

11:38. Abbada abbadee, that's all folks. He basically apologized to everyone, said he's really sorry, will work to regain everyone's trust, wants to "frame the agenda" over the next couple of months (meaning he doesn't want to talk about this anymore) and then got the hell out of there as fast as he possibly could.

Sorry this wasn't anymore exciting.

11:38 apologizes to staff, talks about agenda. Guess he's not going to resign.

11:37 Wants to restore confidence and will work hard to restore that confidence

11:36 Here we go. Gavin says it's all true and says he's deeply sorry to everyone and anyone, mainly Alex Tourk and us, the people of San Francisco

11:35 Still nothing. Gavin's late for even this....

11:31: Nothing is going on except for some guy saying "test 2...test 2...test 2..." over and over and over again. So, in other words, you're not missing anything

We got KCBS on the radio and ABC 7 on the internet and we're all ready to go in probably the craziest press conference we've seen in this city in a long time. We're not defending Gavin here and we're not saying he's got anyone else to blame but himself, but we can't imagine things like this are easy to do.

Anyways, here we go:

screen shot from ABC 7's raw video feed of the conference