
So what happened was that when she was told she should leave, the school took her kids and put them in the library to give her time to grab her stuff. Instead of doing that, however, she marched into the library and tried to get the kids to turn against the principal. When school officials tried to get the kids out of there she refused. The school then called the cops but when the cops came and the kids were let out, the teacher grabbed one of the kids and put her in between her and the cops. The cops got her away from the kid, but not before she started screaming "Rosa Parks! Rosa Parks!"

She is now being held on eighteen counts of false imprisonment-- one for each student.

The teacher, Jennie Mo, had been acting erratically for the past couple of weeks. Apparently, she had been calling the media complaining about all sorts of things that she perceived as being badly handled at the school. The school, however, refuses to say what exactly was the thing that caused them to make her take a paid administrative thing. We can sort of guess just what it would be all things considering.