And the hits keep on coming! The Chron reports that when they stopped by Ed Jew's City Hall office yesterday, some wag had taped a "Gone Fishing" sign to the door. Fish do love tapioca, we hear.

Meanwhile, Peskin really thinks Tapioca Ed needs to go: "This is a stain and it's making the operation of government very difficult. I'm worried that the residents of the Sunset are being denied an effective voice at City Hall and the longer this drags on, the worse it is for everybody." Ed's lawyers refuse to let him resign, though, saying it would be tantamount to an admission of guilt. But it's perfectly okay by them for him to keep commuting in from Burlingame? Can't they work out some kind of plea bargain here?

The Chron's editorial page, meanwhile, breaks out the big guns and says Ed should resign, along with a mocking cartoon. We probably would have gone with some kind of no water theme on this comic, but that's a minor quibble.

And the New York Times gets in on the game too! They've got Tapioca Ed's lawyers explaining that Ed turned himself in in Burlingame because "it was more convenient." Why do they even let anybody associated with the Ed Jew team talk to anyone these days?

Video still of Ed Jew's door (without the "Gone Fishing" sign, alas), from ABC 7.