At around 5:40 p.m. yesterday, there was a stabbing at Capp and 17th -- a guy was stabbed with an ice pick after getting out of a car. The stabber then jumped into another car and tried to run the victim down, and then jumped out of the car and stabbed the victim again. The cops got the stabber but the person driving the second car got away. The vIctim was taken to SF General and is expected to survive.

Next, around 9:30 p.m., three men were shot in the Western Addition (McAllister near Webster) by a group of seven men. Two victims went to SF General and are expected to survive. The third guy went to Kaiser and isn't doing so well. (We just saw Michael Moore's Sicko last night, but we're sure this has nothing to do with the quality of care at HMOs.) One bystander was hit as well but is okay.

Next, at around 11:50 p.m., there was a shooting at 18th and Capp. Two men approached the victim, fired multiple shots, and fled. (We think we heard this one last night as we were toiling away on Day Around The Bay.) Victim was taken to SF General with life-threatening injuries.

And finally, this morning at around 11:00 a.m., there was another shooting in that same area of the Mission, on Valencia Street between 17th and 18th (the block of the police station). A guy playing soccer was approached by another man, an argument broke out, and the soccer player got shot three times, The victim was rushed to SF General, and is expected to live. (Where can you play soccer around there? Please don't say the police station.) Update: New reports say the shooting was at 19th and Valencia, and was gang-related

Picture of SF General.