Considering the weather lately, you might want to do your Chinese New Year celebration indoors. Always attentive to your needs, the SF Symphony is hosting a concert this Sunday at 4pm inside the warm confines of Davies Symphony Hall. How thoughtful. It's a festive family concert with the SFS orchestra, doing a violin concerto and some Tchaikovsky, but there will also be pieces for traditional Chinese instruments, a kids choir performing Jasmine Flower, by Bay Area composer Gang Situ, and some lion's dance. Happy New Year.

We got to chat with that performance's maestro, Carolyn Kuan, who is Chinese herself and currently Associate Conductor with the Seattle Symphony. She's in her early 30s, has conducted the last two editions of this Chinese New Year celebration with the SF Symphony, and was incredibly nice on the phone. Especially since we were beating the same dead horse she is asked about every time she's interviewed: why are there so few women conductors?