Whoa! Check out the SF Solar Map! Using Googlemap tech, SF Environment and CH2MHill have teamed up to show you where the solar installations are throughout the city. And if you plug in your address, it'll give you approximate numbers on how much energy you could generate with solar, how much dough you'd save, and how much carbon you'd save the environment.

For example, when SFist cobbles together the money to buy Kirk Hammett's house as our new headquarters . . . (which, by the way, is more expensive than Red Rock Island):

Roof Size: 2800 sq. ft.
Estimated solar PV potential: 4 - 7 kW
Estimated electricity produced: 7300 - 12775 KWh/yr
Estimated electricity savings: $834-$1460 per year
Estimated carbon savings: 5445.8 - 9530.15 lbs per year

Exit night, enter light!