A three-minute wait isn't a big deal, at least not in a geological time-frame. But in transit, it can make or break a schedule. Take, for example, the 33 route this past Saturday, where a driver decided to park in the middle of the route and run some errands at Walgreen's. They're not supposed to do that, y'know.

Now obviously, it's not the end of the world. A delay of three minutes isn't going to dramatically affect the schedule, especially on a day when wait times are up around seventy minutes. Wait, what? Seventy minutes!? Good lord.

Now, what on Earth could cause such ridiculous bunching and delay? Hmm. It's almost as if some Muni employees aren't entirely invested in providing the highest possible quality of service.

Oh hey! Due to the constraints of our Movable Type rebuild queue, SFist can't offer an RSS feed of all of our Muni-related posts; but that's OK because The Armchair Dispatcher made one for us! Thanks, AD!