Sometimes even SFist is ahead of our time. Like last year when we made Voxtrot our official summer 2006 crush. They’ve just released their new, full length, self titled album, and they’ll be playing Great American Music Hall on Wednesday. We’ve got a copy of the album and a pair of tickets to give away. Plus, since it’s Memorial Day, a little trip down memory lane with an interview we did with them last June. We'll pick a winner on Tuesday at noon.

Now that SFist has signed year books, been told to stay “cute ‘n cool” about five thousand times, updated facebook with our new school, and has promised to NEVER change, we’re all revved up for a summer fling. We’ve decided to aim high this year—rockstar high. So our summer crush is going to be Voxtrot. True, they don’t have a full length album out yet, but after listening to the LP’s and seeing them perform, well, let’s just say they are destined for greatness, and we want to go along for the ride. If you’ve missed Voxtrot in SF (they’ve played 3 times this year), do your best to check them out next time you hear they’re in town. We’re not sure when that’ll be, but maybe if we all cross our fingers and wish really hard, it’ll be soon.

Voxtrot is fronted by Ramesh Srivastava, who is a fellow blogger. Ramesh has been kind enough to submit to the feared SFist interview process. Read on for his tips on how to be a better fan, what blogging does for music, and to get your hopes up that Voxtrot can be your summer fling, too.

SF has a notoriously rough dating scene.. any advice for singles here? Would any Voxtrot members be willing to help out the locals?
I'm probably the worst person to give advice to singles, as I seem to be perpetually single. I am definitely willing to help out the locals in San Francisco. Cool, but the SFist is at the front of the line

Voxtrot's best ever show was when, where, and why?
For me, the two shows are tied for this award:
1. The first show we played in NY: We weren't expecting anybody and it had been promoted so well that there were loads of people and it was ridiculously fun. Lots of our friends from Austin were present.
2. Our first show in San Francisco: We played the pop fest last summer and it was magical, primarily because San Francisco is magical. We all fell in love with the city immediately upon arrival.