--Looks like Pat Murphy got in the last conversation with Ed Jew before Jew's new lawyer told him to zip it.

--Matier and Ross are liars! Chris Daly was when he barged in on Newsom's meeting with the Venezuelan ambassador.

--The Chron apologizes for quoting the leader of an anti-gay hate group in a piece about gay adoption as though he was an actual expert on same-sex families. This apology is awesome.

--Mike Hennessey is running for a eighth term as San Francisco sheriff.

--The Guardian and Beyond Chron are in a fight, the reasons for which are too obscure for us to understand.

--A new column about work/life in the Bay Area that we haven't seen before! [thanks for the clarification, eagle-eyed Chris Colin fans!] Kicking it off: what do those people who sit at Tartine at 1:15 p.m. on weekdays do?

--The Berkeley Housing Authority was paying rent for dead people.

Picture by Steve Rhodes of a dance piece performed today by Southern Exposure, in the SFist Flicker stream.

wearing a suit