We knew very little about the SF Int'l Film Fest's Private Fears in Public Places but were intrigued by the title. Turns out the play is based on an English play by the same name (which explains the British subtitles), and the French movie is actually called “Coeurs” or “Hearts,” which is definitely not as good of a title.

The film turned out to be almost soap-operish with its sad music and shots of falling snow between every scene. It’s one of those movies that follow different people whose cold and lonely lives are all vaguely interconnected. All against- yes – the backdrop of a snowy wintertime in Paris. But the thing is, despite some of the weaker parts -- we were oddly moved, especially as the plotlines began to come together towards the end. (If only that guy next to us hadn’t been snoring during the most emotional parts!)

We understood why people packed into the theater to see the latest from renowned French director, Alain Resnais. With one more showing this Monday (4 p.m.) at the Kabuki,we’d recommend this to anyone wanting a good – albeit, kinda lonely and sad -- story, as well as some stylish shots of Parisian interior sets (is it just us, or did all the interiors look like Ikea show rooms?)

SFist Jessie, contributing.