From the Daily Show to the Googleplex -- Republican presidential hopeful Walnuts John McCain, struggling in the polls and in fundraising, gamely stopped by Mountain View yesterday afternoon for an hourlong forum with Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Google employees.

The questions were respectful but tough from the fairly-liberal crowd, touching on McCain's flip-flopping reembrace of religious fundamentalists after calling them "agents of intolerance" in 2000, his support of the Iraq war, the firing of gay translators under don't ask don't tell, and Darfur. They also asked McCain about his college GPA (to which McCain responded that he didn't remember but that he did graduate fifth from the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy), and Schmidt got some good nerd-snorts with his opening question, "How do you determine good ways of sorting 1 million 32-bit integers in two megabytes of RAM?"

Google's uploaded his talk here (1 hour long), if you want to hear all the geeky jokes about megabytes for yourself, and confirm that in fact, no, McCain did not sing "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" again.

McCain is the second presidential candidate to visit Google, after Hillary Clinton's trip in February (which we totally missed!).

Picture by veen off flickr.