We've also had reports that MUNI was having problems downtown this morning. Best part of a problem downtown is that it affects every MUNI train so everybody is screwed. Nothing like shared misery. We don't know much about it other than it occurred between Civic Center and Montgomery but we'll bring word when he know what happened.

This brings up a gripe by SFist reader Adam who writes:

"I don't get why signs or some indication of problems aren't communicated as you enter the downtown stations during these episodes. Riders going into the stations could probably take surface buses if they knew the trains were not moving. Nothing like paying to enter a black hole.

Our experience is that sometimes they say something, sometimes they don't. And usually when they do, it's so garbled and there's so much background noise that most people miss what they're saying anyways. Hey-- wouldn't it be great if they flashed something on those screens letting everyone know what's up?