At the anti-war protest this afternoon, we heard three young girls gleefully chanting "Smush Bush! Smush Bush!" and figured that was as good of a title for a post about today's activities as anything else.

Our camera batteries died right as we saw Ross Mirkarimi carrying a "Boycott Hornblowers" sign (the protest was half an anti-war protest and half a union workers protest), but we did manage to catch Frank Chu (seen above), the FU-W marching band, and about maybe 1000-2000 2000-5000 people showing their opposition to the war. (We had an explanation of our reupped estimates in the comments, but of course the server crashed on us, so we're putting it in the body of the post instead, which is just that we're terrible at guessing crowd numbers and we think commenter FrankFan is probably right that we inadvertently misunderestimated, as a certain world leader might say.)

More pictures after the jump, and check out SFist Jim's pictures too!