But Michael Doeff emailed us a link to Geobloggers.com -- which is less practical but infinitely cooler. Some folks from the UK have figured out a way to add lattitude and longitude tags on your Flickr photos, so that they will appear as points on a map. Of course, San Francisco is already heavily Geoblogged (oh, how we love it here). And if you don't have a handy GPS, you can look up lattitude and longitude for an address or zip code here. This dude has ginned up a Greasemonkey script for Firefox that will let you quickly add the appropriate tags while browsing in Flickr. We're thinking that someone needs to go on a pub crawl, document with photos, and create a geotagged Flickr set that can then be browsed on a map. Wait, that's a great idea for a post on SFist...