SFist Jackson's not here today, but we know he'd want us to let you know that, as expected, Santa Clara Superior Court Judge Kleinberg ruled against the bloggers and for Apple. Judge Kleinberg found (.pdf) that California's shield law protecting reporters who decline to reveal their sources didn't apply to bloggers didn't apply in a trade secret context [thanks to our commenters and trackbackers, who pointed this out -- sorry for the mischaracterization!], and ordered the bloggers to tell Apple who tipped them off about project "Asteroid", about the FireWire audio interface for GarageBand. The Electronic Freedom Foundation, who's representing the bloggers, will be filing an immediate appeal.

We'd tell you to give us good gossip on the case anonymously in the comments or to [email protected], but, well, don't bother now, it'll probably be found to be a trade secret or something. We'll just limp through, posting rehashes of Chronicle articles and gossip from Adriel Hampton.